Department of Chemistry
28 Academic staff
170 Students
46 Modules
The Department of Chemistry is a vital, expanding hub of scientific inquiry with deep historic roots and a ready grasp on the future. The Chemistry Department provides the opportunity for an undergraduate student to obtain a thorough fundamental knowledge of all fields of chemistry. There are lecture courses in the general areas of inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, many specialized courses including analytical and biochemistry. Laboratory experience is provided in inorganic and organic synthesis, analytical methods and physical chemistry measurements. Independent and original work is stressed in the laboratories and modern equipment is available to carry out the work. The equipment and techniques that are available to the undergraduate student include visible, ultraviolet, and infra-red spectrometers, atomic absorption spectrometers, thermal analysis instrument, CHN analyser and electro-chemistry techniques. Many of these instruments are interfaced directly to computers.
The Department of Chemistry endeavours to be a nationally-recognized model for educating and graduating students prepared to compete in and contribute to the technology of the 21st century world. To achieve this vision the department is committed to providing a course of study for undergraduates in the chemical sciences which combines curriculum, scholarship and service/engagement opportunities that are high-quality, innovative and intellectually challenging and employ state-of-the-art technologies.
The Chemistry Department prepares students for a diverse and changing world. We strive to contribute to a chemically literate society through teaching (with classrooms, labs, and research), scholarship, and service.
The department will continue to offer high quality undergraduate (B.S.) with fascinating introductory courses which will both instruct and stimulate students in all of the university's programs, including the areas of Petroleum Chemistry, Natural Product, Surface and Environmental Chemistry, as well as the department's major programs.
The Department of Chemistry will strive to create a collegial, collaborative, and supportive environment that nurtures professional relationships, enrich teaching and learning, develop and strengthen scholarship, and encourage professional service. We strive to be a leader in undergraduate and graduate level research. We offer a rigorous and contemporary curriculum that is responsive to future developments, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature and diversity of the chemical sciences, thus enabling students to become successful professionals, scholars, scientifically literate citizens and leaders. We promote excellence in service to the department, university and community as well as cultivating ties with local and regional industry and academic institutions.
Making significant contributions to chemistry research, education, and practice. The department provides a creative and supportive atmosphere for the students. Undergraduate and master-level students are expected to obtain a broad understanding of chemistry and learn to think critically and communicate effectively in oral and written forms.
To awaken the young minds and discover their talents both in theory and in practical chemistry, through dedication to teaching, commitment to students and innovative instructional methods; and to support the developmental activities and make the Department vibrant.